Weather in Mallorca
Mostly sunny and cloudless - for many days the weather app says nothing else about Mallorca. Statistically, this can also be proven with 300 sunny days a year and 7.9 hours of sunshine a day. Mallorca is about 170 kilometres from the mainland and plays in a different league when it comes to climate. A temperate subtropical Mediterranean climate means for the island long and warm summers and short mild winters.
Apart from a few weather phenomena such as the Gota Fría, this is pretty much the case. The best time to travel to Mallorca is between April and September. Late summer in October often shows its best side. The hottest month is August, with an average of 31 degrees. It is high summer on Mallorca and the time with the most visitors on the island. Of course, locals and tourists alike prefer to lounge on the beach or by the pool at this time.
The water temperatures on Mallorca rise steadily from April onwards, reaching almost 27 degrees by mid-year. That's warm enough to splash around in the Mediterranean for hours or pass the time snorkelling.
Of course, there is still water from above on a sunny island, so holidaymakers have to look for activities to do on Mallorca when it rains. This is mainly the case at the end of the year or in spring, and very rarely in summer. Fortunately, there are good options for bad-weather days on Mallorca. We have compiled the best ones for you here. Numerous excursion tips are fun regardless of the clouds, and there are also activities and addresses for families with children on Mallorca to elegantly avoid a weather low.
Of course, rain on Mallorca doesn't mean that you automatically have to stay in your hotel room or holiday finca for hours. Some of the bad-weather excursions we recommend you might never do if it was always bathing weather. And then you would definitely have missed out. Long before Mallorca became something like the beach paradise of the Mediterranean, people came here to be inspired by the culture and history - and you can do all that even when it's overcast.
Every season in Mallorca has its charm. Spring and high summer are the most popular stages. More and more people are also discovering Mallorca in winter and are rightly amazed by the magic of the then green island. Not to mention the almond blossom, which appears in the middle of the European winter, visually enveloping Mallorca and creating a whole new panorama.
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