Experience Costa de Cantabria

Have the time of your life in Costa de Cantabria and book everything you want to do online on sunbonoo.

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  • The best insider tips

  • English-speaking service

  • Hassle-free booking change

  • Free cancellation


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Sport & Activity Holidays

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Bike Tours

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Sightseeing & Culture

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Bus Tours

Bus Tours

Guided City Tours

Guided City Tours

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Boat Trips

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Boat trips

Boat Trips

Hassle-free booking change

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Leisure Parks

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Leisure parks

Leisure Parks

Free cancellation

We guarantee full refund within 24 hours

English-speaking service

The best insider tips

There are plenty of ways to enjoy Costa de Cantabria in Spain

Map Costa de Cantabria

Plan your getaway in Costa de Cantabria before you land

Instead of getting off the plane and not having the foggiest where to go and what to do in Costa de Cantabria, put a stop to the what ifs and pre-book your activities before you even get there. Say no to sold out shows and give yourself the chance to seek out exactly what you fancy doing. As well as that, you cut down the risk of overspending since you’d have sorted everything out ahead of time.

You won’t find yourself being talked into setting out on tours and activities in Costa de Cantabria that aren’t right for you which can often be the case when you go along to tour and excursion kiosks. On the other hand, you can take all the time in the world to scroll through what we have on offer and pick something that’s just right for you and your loved ones. On another note, if you’re on the lookout for a present for a special occasion you might want to consider giving your loved ones something to do rather than something tangible here on sunbonoo.